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Year 5 & 6

Autumn Home Tasks  – Year 5/6  

Please choose tasks to complete within every fortnight. Select activities from each curriculum area and submit via Google Classroom or Class Dojo. We are looking forward to seeing some interesting and original responses. Dojo’s will be awarded for every submission! Pob Lwc ☺                

Theme: Magic Carpet 

Language Literacy & Communication 

  • Record a video with your predictions for the forthcoming World Cup in Qatar.  

  • What can you find out about the language in our chosen country (Japan/Maldives). Can you write or say any phrases or words? 

  • Where else would you fly on your magic carpet and why? – Write details or record a video. 

  • Write a diary entry for a recent adventure. 

  • Write a trip advisor style review for a holiday experience. This can be imaginative. 

  • Conduct an interview with an internationally famous person. You could record this interview with a family member or submit a written copy of it. 

Maths & Numeracy 

  • Choose a minimum of 3 destinations you would fly to on a magic carpet. Use Google maps to calculate the round-trip distance. Add up the total distance for all your trips.   

  • Learn to write /count to 10 in another language, upload a recording. 

  • Find out the prices of everyday objects in another country compared to the UK. 

  • Find out the 10 countries with the largest population; order your list from smallest to biggest. 

  • Carry out a survey of which country your family members or friends would love to visit, then record the data in an appropriate format e.g. graph, pictogram or table (J2e on HWB). 

  • Create a holiday poster advertising fantastic price deals. Provide some detailed costings. 

Health & Wellbeing 

  • Create a dish from another country – upload a photo and list the recipe instructions. 

  • Help organise your family’s recycling. What impact has pollution had on our oceans? Present your findings in a format of your choice.   

  • Find out how to save water around the home. Make a list of top tips to advise your family on water conservation. Create a video blog of your advice. 

  • Use any format including natural materials to create a model of a paradise island. 

  • Write a charter (set of rules) that all the citizens of your chosen country (Japan/Maldives) should abide by.  

  • If you could pack a suitcase full of items to donate to another country after a disaster, what would you send and why? 


  • Write/record a weather report for your chosen country. Use a map if possible. 

  • Design a fact file for a famous person from your chosen country. 

  • Film a news report about an historically important world event as if it had just happened. 

  • Find out about the religion or festivals in a chosen country. Present it in any format. 

  • Compare and contrast life in two chosen countries (for example Wales v Japan). 

  • Create a map of your chosen country labelling the features of interest. 

Science & Technology 

  • Design and make a form of transportation that moves. Take photos of the design and build process. 

  • Create a spreadsheet showing the total cost of your dream holiday include travel, hotel, activities and things you would buy beforehand. 

  • Create a photo collage of actual holiday photos or for a dream holiday. 

  • Investigate animals in a chosen country; display your findings in any format.  

  • Design and draw your own magic carpet. What special qualities does it have?  

  • Make a rain gauge and keep a record of how much rain falls over 3 weeks. Produce a graph or table to show your results. 

Expressive Arts 

  • Draw a picture of a genie, describe and label (bi-lingually) the clothes they wear. What personal qualities does the genie possess?  

  • Create a design of a country flag using any method or media. 

  • Write a song, rap or poem about your country. You could even compose some music or use the tune of a well-known song to inspire you! 

  • Make a model of a well-known landmark from another country. 

  • Draw a landscape of a foreign destination using any form of media.  

  • Design a new team kit for a sports team or a fashionable outfit for citizens of another country. 

  • You booked a holiday but ended up in the wrong country – Give a list of advice what to do next in a drama-based scenario of your choice. 


Additional Practical Maths 

Understand the value of different coins and notes. 

Before buying an item, work out the change you will be given. 

Practise telling the time, e.g. quarter past 3, half past 4, twenty to 8. 

Read TV schedules, find the running time of a programme. 

Practise the multiplication tables. 

Read scales on different measuring equipment, e.g. bake a cake, design your own smoothie and record the ingredients, measure the length of items around the house and outside. 


Spelling words (all available on the school website) 

First 200 high frequency words 

Spelling lists A&B 

Common exception words 
