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At Newton Primary School we acknowledge that children are amongst the most vulnerable in society.

Therefore , adults in positions of trust have a duty to make sure that the rights of children are paramount and that they have the right to a life that is free from abuse. It is important to us that this is taken seriously and effective action is taken in response to any signs of abuse or neglect.

Newton Primary School has a legal duty of care for the health, safety, security and wellbeing of our pupils and staff at all times. This duty of care incorporates the duty to safeguard all pupils from subjection to any form of harm, abuse and nuisance.


Our Governing Body and Senior Leaders will ensure that this duty is uncompromised at all times.

Should you have any concerns related to safeguarding or Child Protection, please contact the school office to speak with the named DSLs (Designated Safeguarding Leads)



Phone: 01656 815780



Designated Safeguarding/Child Protection Lead (DSL) Teachers

Mrs R John (Headteacher)

Mr S Gallagher (Deputy Headteacher)

Miss K Kenwood (SLT)

Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Jenny DickinsonSafeguarding Governor


Useful Contact Details


Telephone Referrals

Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) - 01656 642320


Emails Referrals


Postal Address


Ravens Court

Brewery Lane


CF31 4AP


Emergency Out Of Hours Telephone Number

01443 743665
